Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Fido Flex

Savvy, Oliver, and JJ went to their first obedience class last night. Savvy and Oliver did quite well, JJ was highly distracted and really didn't want to work with Sarah at all. :-( Savvy did everything I asked of him, with excellent enthusiasm, except for the recall. He STILL does not know his name. Partly I feel this is because my mother has been treating ALL of the puppies for coming when she calls Oliver, and now they all think their names are Oliver. >:-( grrr.

Anyways, Paul is my instructor, which just makes me incredibly excited because I love the way he teaches class. Besides that he has taught me about 80% of what I know about training, and I have a great repoir with him. Yesterday we worked on a ton of behaviors: sit, down, watch, touch, let's go, and come.

Today I took Savvy and Catcher to Gemini for Daycare and then they stopped by Pethingz! (my favorite store) to meet Tim and Laura! Both of them did really well, and now they're sacked out on their backs in the x-pen. Tired puppies are good puppies!

I have new pics and some videos that I'll upload tonight.

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